Kraemer, Lösungen mit Harz

04. December 2023

Sustainability at KRAEMER

We take our responsibility seriously

Sustainability and a responsible use of our resources are the foundation of our work. This way of thinking has shaped our behaviour, not only economically, but also regarding the environment and society. We at KRAEMER have set this our goal and we hold ourselves responsible to firmly root sustainability as a guiding principle in the chemical industry.

For the design of our exterior space at the new production site in Liethe, we decided on a regional company, which thinks the same way as we do when it comes to sustainability. In close cooperation with us, ImmerBunt developed a full concept for the ecological design of the total area of approx. 10 ha on our new company premises. This includes, amongst other things, scattered orchards and flower meadows, native hedge rows and tree planting on the parking lot.

This is a small, but important step towards the preservation of biodiversity and the ecological balance.

It was very obvious to us that they put their heart and soul into this project. Thank you for so much passion for this important subject.

We look forward to the spring, when first results become visible.

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