
Your one-stop shop

The best service awaits you with us

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Can’t stop thinking about our products? We understand!!! Simply request a product sample and allow yourself to be persuaded by the quality of our resins and binders. You’ll be delighted!

Request sample Kraemer
We will gladly provide you with what is important to you

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Kraemer, Auftragsfertigung
Contract manufacturing

Your one-stop shop

Have the recipe, but lack production or development capacity? No problem! With us you’ll find the technical and staff resources to manufacture just about any desired binder or resin. With our state-of-the-art production facility, we manufacture a production volume of 2 kg to 20 tons per batch. And if the right binder is still missing from your recipe, we can develop the missing component together, integrate it and produce it for you.
We are your one-stop shop!

Order request Kraemer
Customer service

We are here for you

You are welcome to direct questions to our experts or to request a sample from us. Our technical customer service is at your disposal with advice and action. Please also feel free to use our contact form.

Customer service request Kraemer
Got questions about our products?

Your contact person

You are welcome to direct your questions to our experts or to request a sample from us. Our technical customer service is at your disposal with advice and action. Please also feel free to use our contact form.

Gerard Jakubowski
Gerard Jakubowski

Technical Customer Service

+49 4402 9788-212 gerard.jakubowski@rokra.com DE, EN, PL

Susi Sicher
Patrick Hillebrandt

Technical Customer Service

+49 4402 9788-213 patrick.hillebrandt@rokra.com DE, EN

Carlos Nieto
Carlos Nieto

Technical Customer Service

+49 4402 9788-288 carlos.nieto@rokra.com DE, EN, ES, FR

Dr. Eike Harlos

New Business Development Management

+49 4402 9788-290 eike.harlos@rokra.com DE, EN