
Iodine color number

In many areas of the chemical industry, color evaluation, e.g. of surfactants, glycols, resins or oils, is often still carried out by visual comparison of the products with the corresponding color standards. As early as 1931, DIN 5033 was created and with it the basis for objective color measurement. There are various color scales, such as the iodine color number, the Gardner color number and several others. The iodine color number is defined in DIN 6162 as mg iodine per 100ml potassium iodide solution. The color comparison according to the iodine color number is used to assess the color depth of clear liquids, e.g. solvents, resins, oils and fatty acids, whose color is similar to that of an iodine-potassium iodide solution in the same layer thickness. For iodine color numbers less than 1, the determination of the Hazen color number is more appropriate.